Monday, October 13, 2008

Heading off to Egypt...

Tomorrow, my group leaves for our 9-day stay in Egypt! After flying there tomorrow afternoon, we will be doing lots of sightseeing - a 3-day Nile River cruise, the Sphinx, the Great Pyramids, Cairo, Alexandria, camels, and more. I'm very excited about it but somewhat anxious. Right now, my whole group is fighting off colds. Second, we are not allowed to touch any tap water to our lips or else we will get really sick. (That will be hard for me because I drink water all the time.) Third, I've been told that Egyptian men view women differently and that I'm not supposed to even make eye contact with them. Our group will have armed security guards wherever we go and we can't go anywhere alone.
This is going to be a trip of a lifetime. If you think of me, please pray for travelling safety, health, and stamina during all the tours. I'll be writing when I get back!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl- I wouldn't worry too much about the egyptian men. I know that people warned me a lot about the men in Bangladesh before I went, and there were a few times that I felt uncomfortable, but overall people we just very curious and kind. The eye contact thing is about their culture... women who make eye contact with random men are thought to be lose. As long as you don't intentionally make long eye contact with the men, you should be ok. You sound like you're going to be with a group, which will make the staring worse, but the security greater. Plus, there's a ton to see in Egypt besides creepy guys! I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! I've really enjoyed your blog! Love you-

Anonymous said...

Make sure not to drink the water lol. I did in Mexico by accident and was terribly sick. But I bet you will have a great time and I can't wait to chat about it. Don't know if you will get this before you leave but I will be praying for your group and that you all stay healthy and have safe travels.