Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Cruise... Day 2 Ephesus

The second day, Saturday morning, we arrived early in Turkey, particularly to visit the ancient city of Ephesus. In ancient times, Ephesus hosted one of the seven churches of Asia, mentioned in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Below is a beautiful view of the whole city.
Below is the remaining facade of the Roman Celsus Library. Our tour guide said that people used to read out loud in this library, and it was not a quiet place, like the libraries we have today.

Below is a picture our whole group standing in the middle the ancient Ephesian theater, with an estimated 44,000 seating capacity. It is believed to be the largest outdoor theater in the ancient world. Because it is known for its great acoustics, our Harding group gathered in the center and sang a hymn that incorporated all tenor, bass, soprano, and alto voices. It sounded neat and many tourists stopped to watch and listen to us.

Here Samantha and I are sitting on ancient toilets - Gross! The latrine was a very popular place in ancient times, for men only, to come and sit and visit for hours and hours. The wealthy men would send their slaves ahead of them to reserve their seat and warm it up for them!
Here I am standing in an ancient baptismal. It is cool to think how long people have practicing baptism.

Also, in Turkey, I shopped a little bit... and got forced into my first impulse buy. The Turkish vendors were very pushy. I had no intention of buying perfume, but one man offered name-brand perfume bottles (probably stolen) to me for 20 euros (approx. $30). When I told him 'no' and left, he followed me. He piled the perfume bottles in my arms and whispered in my ear, "All that, for 15 euros." Overwhelmed, I gave in and bought them - having no idea what they smelled like! After I got back on the cruise ship, I smelled them and only like one of them. Next time, I need to say 'no' and say it more firmly. : )

1 comment:

Creigh said...

nah, just sell the one's you don't like and keep the one you do...paying for the one you do like (making it free) and perhaps even making a little extra spending money. ;)