Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Cruise.... Day 3, The Island of Crete and Santorini

On Sunday, we stopped at Greece's largest island - Crete. It was sprinkling on us as we toured the Palace of Knossos, a huge ancient palace with over 1,000 rooms. Below Kristina and I are standing by giant pottery.
That is part of the palace, reconstructed. It was disappointing because most of the palace was reconstructed; hardly any of it was actually original. : (

Our last stop was on Sunday night, to the island of Santorini. I was really looking forward to this because we would get to ride donkeys up to the top of the island - 600 steps! Although I felt somewhat sorry for the donkeys, I really enjoyed the gorgeous view on the way up, not having to walk up on my own two legs, and trying to avoid getting smashed up against the wall by my donkey.

When we got to the top, we shopped, and then just sat on a wall and soaked it all in. That was the best part. Here, we are watching the sun set while our feet dangle over the edge of the cliff

The sun was making sun spots on the ocean, which looked like mini spotlights. This and the cool evening made the Santorini view my favorite.


Unknown said...

Grace- this is so beautiful!!!

I'm so jealous. Hope you're having fun!

Love, your cous.

Waddle Family said...

Grace, we are enjoying your blog and can't wait to see all your pictures and hear all the details. Keep posting. The Waddle Family