Monday, November 3, 2008

Monemvasia Weekend Trip

On our 3-day free weekend, my roommate Jessica and I went to a small coastal town in the Peloponnese of Greece, called Monemvasia. We left Thursday afternoon, and after a 7-hour bus ride, we arrived. Below is a picture of the kind Greek hotel owner who greeted us that night. A favorite part of our trip was trying gyros at different restaurants in Monemvasia, trying to find the best gyro. This is a picture of the hanging slabs of pork and chicken that are shaven to make the meat for our gyros - gross-looking, but delicious!
I think we ate gyros for lunch and dinner almost every day - yum!!
The hotel included a free continental breakfast. We usually woke up around 10:30 am every morning, just before the breakfast closed.
Here I am on the balcony of our hotel - we were so close to the beach, we could hear the waves from the balcony. At night, we sat out on the balcony in our pajamas and watched chick flicks, like Runaway Bride and Sweet Home Alabama, on my laptop.
One afternoon we just relaxed on the beach. The ocean water was freezing so we didn't get all the way in. But I did take a nap on the shore.
Jessica and I on the beach.
Jessica booked the hotel, Hotel Pratamaris, ahead of time, and I'm so glad she did. When we arrived on Thursday night at 11 p.m., I was kind of scared with my bags in the dark, but thankfully, the hotel was right by the bus stop.
The rock behind me in the picture is the main tourist site of Monemvasia. We stayed on the mainland, but there is a causeway that led to an island (more like just a rock). No cars are allowed on that tiny island and the population is around 50 people. It was very quaint.
We hiked to the very top of the Monemvasia rock (be impressed!)
At the top of the rock are ruins of a medieval castle.
Jessica and I at one of the entrances of the ruins.
The beautiful aerial view of the small town of Monemvasia below.
You can see the remains of the stone castle walls below.Jessica on the top of the rock. We were surrounded by water, and if we looked down far enough, we could see our hotel on the mainland.
We met some locals and got to practice our Greek. It was a fun, relaxing trip. I felt very adventurous travelling, just the two of us girls.

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